The Case is SOLVED! You don't need confirmation by the Government, You don't need a new investigation, and you don't have to pay dues to 9/11 Truth or Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. If you have a head on your shoulders, watch and learn. You can see all the proofs of malfeasance in 9/11 The BIGGEST LIE 36.

WAKE UP 9/11 - "Are you OFFENDED?" - December 20th, 2023, By James Easton
How easily are you offended? There is this theme of "Woke" in the USA today. Many fall victim to it, as it's predecessor "Political Correctness" evolved into this behemoth of absurdity. I appeal to real men and women who are above this bullshit story. I talk about various things, including the attacks on 9/11 at the WTC, and the Pentagon. I cite BAROMETRIC BOMBS as the culprit. I talk about about what needs to be done. 9/11 needs to be exposed. How do we do this? For the longest time people used Building 7 as their talking point but one had to bring the unsuspecting fools up to speed about Building 7. I talk about the twin tower and no planes. 9/11 Truth has changed management so there is room to talk about the TRUTH.

WAKE UP 9/11 - KNOCK KNOCK - November 20 2023, by James Easton
This is some shit. I am ON. Listen up, we gotta get moving. We need a campaign to knock on doors and talk about 9/11. 9/11 is coming back into the lime light because of what Israel is doing. The truth is out and about! It's a good thing you got rid of Richard Gage, but it's up to 9/11 Truth because AE911 is a bunch of MASONS. Get your shit organized and pumped!!! Includes BLUE SKIES, HEART HOTLINE, ZIONISM Monopoly game. By James Easton

WAKE UP 9/11 - "IMPORTANT DISCOVERY!!!" - Oct 27th 2023, by James Easton
It's like 9 & 11 are the Key inside the Magic Square of the Sun. I found 7 & 10 - the date that Israel went to war with Hamas. I go over some of the other things I discovered. There's the Sandy Hook date, England's 9/11 - 7 & 7, and also the Sandy Hook School Shooting 12 & 14. Also found is the date Oct 1st, the Vegas shooting! This piece includes an Israeli woman, formerly in the IDF Intelligence, talking about how the whole thing just doesn't make sense. It is clear that Netanyahu, the Mossad, the IDF, and Hamas all worked in collusion which seems to be kicking off World War III by design! James Easton

WAKE UP 9/11 - "SATURDAY WAS A SPECIAL DAY INDEED" - 17th October 2023
In this video I talk about the invasion of Gaza, where people are being massacred in an evil plot to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians under the guise of a false flag. They are bombing schools, hospitals, neighbourhoods, and 300,000 troops went in on Saturday. They cut off the power and the water. This is abominable. The nations' leaders stand with Israel because they are part of the New World Order, and people won't stand for this attrocity. Mark my words this is the lynch pin for Albert Pike's third world war coming to fruititon. Read the synopsis of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of ZION, and Albert Pike's third world war. And read Revelations which talks about the red Horse that sows the seeds of division. These are PERILOUS Times. WAKE UP and SNAP OUT OF IT! SHOW YOUR DISGUST AND SAY IT LOUD!!!!

WAKE UP 9/11 - SATURDAY THE 14th OF OCTOBER - by James Easton
9/11 The BIGGEST LIE 39 - The PENTAGON is coming out TODAY!!! In this video I talk about some trials and tribulations of making the movie, about the Annular Eclipse today at 1:10 EST you should see the ring of fire if it's not overcast. I also talk about how the bad guys like to do major shit on days like today.

WAKE UP 9/11 - "I SENSE THE AWAKENING" - October 3 2023, by James Easton
It's real, It's palpable... the awareness is beaming at me. People are waking up in droves. The higher the tension the more people snap out of it. It is truly a wonderful thing to see the light come on in people. Being awake and aware and caring for humanity is the name of the game. We can beat the bad guys for sure.

WAKE UP 9/11 - "POINT OF IMPACT" - Uploaded September 25th 2023
Featuring Andy Christensen and James Easton talking about Shanksville in particular. The total lack of evidence. Features several of Andy's memes on 9/11. Running time 51 minutes.

WAKE UP 9/11 - "PLANTING SEEDS" - September 19th 2023
This video starts off with a correction about what was being said by the children in the classroom. It wasn't "PLANE" it was "PLAYING" which is significantly more threatening. KITE = PLANE. No need to say it twice. PLAYING is sick and twisted. There is much more footage from the classroom and I go over it. The words "ROBBER RUNNING SMILE SMILED MORE" are said. I go over the numerology of the last letters of the words KITE HIT STEEL PLAYING MUST. It's 10. Actually it's 1. I talk about my interactions with some people on facebook, agreeing to disagree, and also about the movie by CIT - Citizens Investigation Team "The PENTAGON". It is an important watch. SO I correct my premise that there were no planes on 911 to: NO PLANES CRASHED on 911. I go over the 23rd of September - keep a close eye on your children, and the 14th of October. Something BIG is coming. Finally I talk about the answer to the evil plot to have us all using digital currency in a Social Credit Score system, being Beans, Seeds, and Nuts. Start collecting/growing now.

WAKE UP 9/11 - "SINISTER SHIT" - September 14th 2023
In this video I apologize to Judy Wood. She was right about Directed Energy Weapons used in the 9/11 Event. But I contend that the Towers were demolished by bombs and no energy weapons. The Energy Weapon tests were done on cars in the streets surrounding the towers and in the parking lots north west of the towers. I figured this based on Maui, and I had thought it was from the molten iron spraying out on top of these cars. But I was wrong. I go into depth about the communist revolution taking place across America and that the dictators - the elites - are going to try to starve the American people. I define that Orthodox Jews and Hesetic Jews are not to blame. It is the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, who aren't even Jews - they are the ancient Khazarians who hi jacked Judaism back in 1000 ad mixed their child sacrafice rituals to Baal (the devil) into Judaism called Babylonian Talmudism. BEWARE the Autumnal Solstice on September 23. WATCH YOUR CHILDREN. BE VIGILANT. I also call OCTOBER 14th which is an "Annular" Eclipse (A Ring of FIRE) Solar Eclipse to be a day to be reckoned with. WATCH OUT. Be Vigilant. These are precarious times!

WAKE UP 9/11 - A REMARKABLE REVELATION - September 11th 2023, By James Easton
Something weird happened today. It was not coincidence. It was meant to be. I discovered something and it involves Jesus in the Bible, and his disciples. The third time Jesus visited them after he had died. They were fishing. There is a remarkable number related 100% to the Twin Towers in terms of numerology. I also expose the numerology of the heights of the towers. There is a brief intro segment from the film "9/11 Deception - The Gift" followed by a Porky Pig cartoon where the dog freaks out about "The Towers!!! They are falling!". Then it's the latest rifs from my buddy Doug Michael to images that are relevant to 9/11. Running Time 18 mins. The video I watched that I was referring to in the video was: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kCAUsp6d9s

WAKE UP 9/11 - "NOIZ" - September 6 2023, by James Easton
NOIZ - This Video talks about Waking up the World with all the Bells and Whistles. I read the full 3 World Wars by Albert Pike (1871) and how all the wars were planned and executed to have an outcome. We are currently in World War 3. There will be a Communist Revolution putting the Elites as the Ruling Class of Earth and the remaining people their slaves. This is no joke. They have a Eugenics plan to eliminate hundreds of millions of people the world over. Albert Pike talks about a formidable social cataclysm and a great bloody turmoil - unleashed: the atheists and the nihilists who will clash with society. It will be unsafe to remain in any city. There is only ONE way out of this mess. We must come together as one for a time - to wake everyone up by making Noise. The contents herein describe how we will accomplish this. - James Easton - September 6th 2023 - Send this far and wide and translate if necessary.

WAKE UP 9/11 - "NAPALM" - August 27 2023, by James Easton
This video depicts napalm explosions in Vietnam and assesses the properties of the explosions, where there is a white chemical component to it along with the red and orange fireball that turns into a black cloud. Compared to the hit on Tower 2, the white smoke is present in the aftermath of the "hit" and lasts a long time. I show the Hezarkhani shot uninterrupted for 3 minutes. I also show a segment from the original film 9/11 The BIGGEST LIE where I assess the white smoke from the vantage of a helicopter looking directly to the south. I show photographs and clearly exhibit the white smoke enveloping the tower. I conclude that it had to be napalm due to the nature of the white smoke.

WAKE UP 9/11 - "Tempering" & "Solid Ground" - August 23 2023, by James Easton
I talk about my training as a glassblower. The experiment of putting molten glass under cold water. How glass is tempered by putting a creation into a hot oven for an extended period tempers the glass. I allude to the predictive programming. We were "tempered" to accept the shock. I also talk about speaking the Truth in the language of Truth to be credible and stand on solid ground. I explain that Lies built on Lies require a lot of effort on the part of the bad guys and their shit will topple over and come crashing down, because they don't have a solid foundation to stand on.

WAKE UP 9/11 - NUANCES - August 23 2023
This video goes into detail about the subtle nuances you may not have noticed about the alleged hit on tower 2. I contend all these shots a fabrications, but it is important to understand how they did them. In most cases of the shots with the camera seemingly moving, they are wide angle shots that were subsequently cropped to simulate the movement of the camera. There are 5 examples in this video which give rise to subtle nuances that give the fake planes away.

WAKE UP 9/11 - BLITZKRIEG (LIGHTNING WAR) - August 17th 2023, by James Easton
This video totally exposes the complicity of Chief Pfeifer and Ladder 1 Engine 7 in the deception of seeing/hearing a plane hit tower 1. As are Gideon and Jules Naudet. This video shows that Pfeifer didn't even know the name of the Chaplain for the fire department, and shows a Battalion Chief that was in Tower 1 but is seen later in a coffee shop with no dust on him. It also exposes the white smoke billowing up from Tower 2 when the "second plane hits".

WAKE UP 9/11 - "COMPLICITY of LADDER 1 ENGINE 7" - August 11th 2023, by James Easton
This video totally exposes the complicity of Chief Pfeifer and Ladder 1 Engine 7 in the deception of seeing/hearing a plane hit tower 1. As are Gideon and Jules Naudet. This video shows that Pfeifer didn't even know the name of the Chaplain for the fire department, and shows a Battalion Chief that was in Tower 1 but is seen later in a coffee shop with no dust on him. It also exposes the white smoke billowing up from Tower 2 when the "second plane hits".

WAKE UP 9/11 - "The CALL" - Aug 4th 2023, by James Easton
This video was inspired by the idea that there is hope, where there are many people in the world that are awake and aware and can lead the stray sheep in the right direction. We have to open a dialogue with friends, neighbors, and family about the real dangers we are facing. The bad guys see a road ahead that is bad for humanity, but we can see a road that is the best outcome for humanity. Talking about AI, The NWO, The WEF and the WHO and how we've been duped and most people are somewhat aware of that. We have to communicate the truth without fear of reprisal, having "balls" and "guts" to do so and do it with a sense of importance and urgency. Hope is real and tangible. Break the spell, and wake up the world! The second half of the video is a hilarious parody of the whole pandemic by Doug Michael.

WAKE UP 9/11 - "PUNCHLINE" & "CHOPPER 5" - August 3 2023
I put out a meme for the Numerology of the towers. Hoping it will generate interest. I included an old video called "PUNCHLINE" which is still relevant, and I put together some of ACE BAKER's work on "CHOPPER 5" Nose out shot as proof of no planes on 9/11.

WAKE UP 9/11 - "ALICE" - July 29th 2023
Doom is right around the corner. Pay attention to some good advice about how we can get ourselves out of this mess.

Quotes from the TALMUD, and BABYLONIAN TALMUDISM, July 28th 2023
James explains the ultimate plan, and reads various quotes from the Talmud which are sick and twisted. The Jews of Today are not the Israelites of yesterday, they are Khazarian converts to Judaism, which they hijacked and mixed with their Babylonian Blood Sacrifice of children to their evil deity BAAL calling their new religion Babylonian Talmudism. Don't fall for the next big false flag! The war in the Ukraine is a set up for Russia and China to fight against the Western World. If you let them fool you - there will be a bloodbath! If you think you are safe in the Western world you are WRONG!

WAKE UP 9/11 - "TITANIC ANALOGY" - JULY 22nd 2023
The analogy of the Titanic on her maiden voyage to America is very similar. You know what happened to the Titanic! You are in the midst of her sinking. There are all kinds of signs of things to come and they do not bode well for anyone in human civilization who aren't ultra rich and in power. They will get on the life boats. You will either have to sink or swim. Sorry for such a rude awakening. This is our life - and now you have to survive to stay alive!!!

WAKE UP 9/11 - "CLEANING UP THE MESS" - July 21st 2023
The party is over, they all left, and I am left to clean up the mess. I talk about Judy Wood's spire photos, and then show a video which demonstrates that the spire is not in fact "disintegrating"... This video was created in 2017, uploaded July 21st 2023.

WAKE UP 9/11 - "The ILLUMINATI CARD DECK" - July 22nd 2023
The Deck is in Alphabetical Order.

WAKE UP 9/11 - "A NEW WORLD ORDER" July 22nd 2023
This comprises the two speeches by George H. W. Bush who was the first on the scene to speak of the New World Order. This gave rise to great speculation as to what it all meant. I play a version of Ministry's A NEW WORLD ORDER with militaries from around the world marching past. It is very disconcerting to know that we are on the verge of World War III, and that it will all be by design, contrived by geopolitical theater. Many people are about to die.

In 2016 I made this video, and it is from my heart and from the core. You have to WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!

WAKE UP 9/11 - "SOLD DOWN THE RIVER" - July 19th 2023
Opens with the plane attack on tower 1, then CNN news reporting live at 8:51, getting a report by a CNN Vice President saying he saw a plane hit the tower. People tend to believe the official story but don't know about various inconsistencies that tell a much different story. "Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories..." says George Bush. The official story states the buildings came down in a pancake collapse. They came down in 10 seconds. The military and FEMA, the FAA were complicit with their drills. 9/11 led to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. America and the World have been sold down the river to the New World Order because people are cowards and don't want their world view shattered to pieces.

WAKE UP 9/11 - "NO WAKE VORTEX" - Juley 19th 2023
This video illustrates examples of "wake vortex" in jets flying through clouds and a NASA wake vortex test with smoke. Following this are the Mike Hezarkhani shot of the south tower "hit" and the Naudet Brothers footage of Tower 1 being "hit"... in both there is no wake vortex whatsoever. This is a kicker in proving no planesh.

WAKE UP 9/11 - "DIRECTIONS" The Explosions in TOWER 2, July 18 2023
In this video I talk about the nose out situation from Chopper 5, but also about the NAPALM EJECTION in the close up of the Gideon Naudet shot, and several other shots, and then close in and slow down the frames to give you a good picture that there are distinct explosions going to the East and going to the North.

WAKE UP 9/11 - July 11th 2023 - Numerology of the Towers
This is the last one! I'm done! It all ties together nicely.

This is a great piece of work which is quite revealing about the setup for the destruction of the towers demonstrating night shots of the towers and a scene from Limp Bizkit's 2000 video ROLLIN (AIR RAID VEHICLE), and goes into detail about the video and the relationship to George H.W. Bush & George W. Bush, and the Transformers icon Optimus Prime's famous saying "Autobots let's roll". At the end it shows a still from the piece I did two days ago of the Doctor that goes into the carnage after tower 1 comes down and there's an ad poster for a movie starring Michael Douglas: DON'T SAY A WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In this episode James talks about the last vestige of the new world order before the unveiling of masquerade, being an alien invasion, something that Verner Von Braun told his daughter would take place which she wrote about in a book. James also gives 2 good examples of 666 in our everyday lives. 666 is where 9/11 comes from, and contrary to popular belief 666 is THE BEAST not THE DEVIL.

ENDS - Quebec's involvement with 9/11
Talks about QUEBECNEWYORK, shows the wayback associated page, talks about the IHS and the Jesuit order and how the Catholic church is involved in the destruction of the towers. Talks about how the United Nations was built on top of a Rockefeller owned slaughter house... This video has a choice climax. Get ready!

WAKE UP 9/11 - 3 APRIL 2022 - The ENGINE
The Engine found at Church and Murray street needs further investigation. In this episode we calculate the distance, time it takes to hit the ground, and the vertical and horizontal speeds, and the actual speed it hits the ground. There should have been more damage to the concrete. Uploaded 13th July 2023


James talks about Controlled Opposition - what it is, and who they are.

Compare this to the time it takes for the destruction of the towers






EMPATHY, RELIGION, and JESUS BLACKMAIL, by James Easton, June 15th, 2023

This video is a dire warning about the impending danger ahead. James predicts they will nuke the Atlantic ocean and this will cause a Tsunami that will destroy the Eastern seaboard of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean, Brazil, Europe, and Eastern Africa. James talks about the current deployment of military in the United States and Canada, about food shortages, and nuclear attack, and he shows you that he has been warning of the apocalypse which we are currently in, coming starting in his movie 9/11 The Biggest Lie 9, 10 and a video produced in 2016 describing the past the current at the time, and the coming future.



In this episode, James shows some special footage of the towers taken from Hoboken across the Hudson river, which demonstrates that the white smoke rising up from the base of each tower just before each tower falls is a clear indication that they were cutting all of the core columns at the base of the tower so the remaining bombs the basement or so odd core columns that remain standing after the tower is obliterated. The second part talks about the BathTub of the WTC, and how it was built and what it was meant for. No micro nukes were used below the 50th floor, instead they cut the columns at the base, In this way they did not disturb the bathtub.